

  • 学生将研究, analyze, synthesize, communicate and share their findings from a broad range of material to faculty and peers.
  • Students will explore leadership principles including servant leadership and goal setting and will identify leadership approaches that best match their values and goals.
  • Students will participate in learning experiences beyond the classroom that include research, scholarship, 服务和领导机会.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ethical and moral obligations of academic scholarly work.



荣誉课程向学生介绍学术研究的概念, scholarship, 通过HONR 200荣誉研讨会课程的领导和服务. The HONR 205 独立学习 course allows students to take an area of academic interest and collaborate with faculty to create an opportunity to demonstrate academic research and share findings with the college community. The Service Project allows students to find an area where they can apply their interests and skills in a way that provides service to others.


Employers and transfer colleges look for students who are engaged and active in their education. 通过参加这个项目, 学生学习沟通, leadership and academic skills that will make them stand out among their peers. Students will have specific academic and service projects to refer to that demonstrate these skills. 荣誉研讨会, 独立学习 and Service Project require students to work collaboratively with others and develop academic skills beyond those in traditional classwork.


  • 学生的成绩单上将记录HONR 200和HONR 205.
  • Students fulfilling all components of the 荣誉项目 will have the distinction recognized on their academic transcript, 毕业课程和荣誉课程帆布课程.
  • Students’ honors independent study findings will be shared with the college community on the 荣誉项目 Canvas Course.
  • 进入该项目的学生将收到一份欢迎礼物.
  • Students will have opportunities to engage in social and/or cultural academic events.
  • 学生将被邀请与十大平台网赌下载最新校长共进午餐.


荣誉研讨会 is a one-credit hour course that prepares students to participate in the 荣誉项目 and complete the required academic research-based 独立学习 project(s) and Service Project needed to fulfill requirements of the 荣誉项目. A Service Project allows students to find an area where they can apply their interests and skills in a way that provides service to others. 学生将有一个服务项目来展示这些技能.


An Honors 独立学习 is a 1-3 credit hour course designed for students to fulfill the required academic research-based 独立学习 project(s) requirements of the 荣誉项目. Students will work closely with faculty within their research area to do academic research and produce a project related to their chosen topic. 教师是学生的支持系统.

The 独立学习 gives students the opportunity to explore interests and develop research and critical thinking skills. Those research interests can have a strong influence on future decisions and career goals.


The goal of the 荣誉服务项目 is to give students valuable real-world experience within their selected fields. 完成一项荣誉服务计划, 学生必须为非营利组织做至少10个小时的志愿者. While volunteering, it is recommended students keep notes to reflect upon their experiences. 在他们完成志愿者工作之后, 学生将写一篇关于他们整体参与的反思论文.


The 荣誉项目 is for Black Hawk College students wanting to enrich their college experience by participating in additional academic and service opportunities. 荣誉课程招收新生, 以及十大平台网赌下载最新的在校生和转学生. The 荣誉项目 application process is designed to appeal to a wide range of highly motivated students with the potential for additional success in their college careers and beyond.


  • 以C或以上成绩完成HONR 200和HONR 205.
  • 完成服务项目要求.
  • 提交服务项目反思表.
  • 通过HONR 205报告表格分享HONR 205独立研究结果.

Students interested in joining the 荣誉项目 or verifying eligibility are encouraged to contact Advising. 四城校园咨询可致电309-796-5100或 advqc@36837a.com. 东校区咨询可致电309-854-1709. 克里斯蒂安·克莱顿是荣誉项目联络员,可以通过 Claytonk@36837a.com.

所有感兴趣的学生应填写一份 荣誉课程申请表 and register for HONR 200 as soon as possible to allow enough time to complete all honors requirements before graduation.

Note: Students who are unable to complete all of the requirements for the 荣誉项目 distinction upon graduation are still welcome to participate in the HONR 200 and HONR 205 courses. 这些课程将出现在学生的大学成绩单上.


周一至周五,上午8点.m. to 5 p.m.

East Campus
周一至周五,上午8点.m. to 5 p.m.
